The digital skills and competences of Roma people were strengthened....
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Together we are more!
Finnish Roma population is very small, approxiamtely 10,000, but when viewed from the European perspective the Finnish Roma are part of a larger European Roma population that estimated to be 10-12 million people. In the EU and in its neighbouring countries Roma have the same rights and responsibilities as the general population. However, in reality the Roma people have a higher risk of facing social exclusion, discrimination, and poverty. The Finnish Roma Association is also interested in the European aspect partly because there are at least 1,000 Migrant Roma living in Finland, who originate mainly from Eastern European and the Balkans. Additionally, at least 3,000 Finnish Roma are known to be residing in Sweden.
Almost 40 % of the work of the Finnish Roma Association is carried out in international cooperation outside Finland. The work includes both youth work and adult education. In addition, the Association participates actively in European Roma networks.
Ternengo butti
Roma youth took a deep dive into their career paths....
Read MoreAmari kultura 2023-24
Roma youth reflected their heritage through the means of art....
Read MoreHortto tiija 2022-24
Roma from Finland and North Macedonia learned on generational differences....
Read MoreAme phiras 2023
The Ame Phiras was an International Seminar for youth workers....
Read MoreSaste aven! 2022-23
Youth from Finland and Serbia interpreted their Roma-identity through art....
Read MoreDevelopment cooperation in Ukraine
The Finnish Roma Association participates in Deaconess Foundation’s development cooperation...
Read MoreSo keres, Europa?
The Finnish Roma Association participates the annual Roma Youth Forum....
Read MoreDikh he na bister
The Finnish Roma Association participates the Roma Genocide Remembrance Initiative....
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